
Mission Teams from Maranatha CRC York heading to the DR with The Samaritan Foundation

Archive for the month “June, 2013”

raffle rewards

This year, we once again held a Raffle for a pair of sports tickets to help in our fundraising. A pair of great seats to watch a Blue Jays game were graciously donated and raffle tickets were available for the month of June.
The draw was held on June 23rd, and the winner is . . .

Louise Belanger!!

Congratulations! We hope you enjoy the view of the game from behind home plate!

the power of prayer

I have always been a strong advocate for the power of positive thinking. A positive attitude makes it easier to smile, easier to laugh, and easier to be a shining light. But on those days when holding on to that positive attitude seems too difficult, we need to turn to the power of prayer. It is so easy to let negativity in and cloud our thoughts, words and actions. And so here I stand (sit), asking for your prayers.
As our team continues to prepare for this year’s trip, it is becoming harder and harder to maintain the excitment and enthusiasm. Our house team could really use a few more members. There are concerns about being able to raise the necessary funds. And there is doubt about sustaining this as a yearly trip.
So please pray. Pray for continued and renewed enthusiasm for those who are committed to this year’s trip. Pray for God’s gentle insistence to those who need stronger encouragement to join the team. Pray for all those who have been generously supporting us – financially, emotionally and prayerfully. Pray for those who have chosen to serve in their own way. Pray.

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